



最後の的中から早5か月が経ちました。 ここ最近は不甲斐ない予想ばかりでしたが、今週末は予定もなく時間がたっぷり取れるので、久しぶりに本気のマジのガチの予想をしていきたいと思います。 今日から心機一転で連勝街道がスタートする予感がします。 競馬…


今日は時間あるのでちゃんと書きます。 競馬予想 京都大賞典(GII、京都、芝2400m) 馬券 競馬予想 京都大賞典(GII、京都、芝2400m) 本命 : ⑦プラダリア(6番人気) ・京都はディープインパクト産駒の庭と言われており、今回の有力馬の中で該当するのはこ…


今日はブログを書く時間が取れなかったので、本命と買い目の紹介のみとさせていただきます。 競馬予想 セントライト記念(GII、中山、芝2200m) 馬券 競馬予想 セントライト記念(GII、中山、芝2200m) 本命 : ④レーベンスティール(2番人気) 馬券 合計 : ¥…


日本に帰ってきました! 嬉しさのあまり、飛行機から降りた時に小さくガッツポーズしてしまいました。 ここから毎食毎食が楽しみで仕方ありません。 反対に日本の嫌なことはこの湿度。 空港から外に出た瞬間になんだこのジメジメ感はと驚いてしまいました。 …

【Celebration】Victoria Mile

If you want to make money, all you have to do is to read this blog. Result Victoria Mile(GI, Tokyo, T1600m) Betting ticket Total : ¥2,000 Result 1st : ⑥Songline 2nd : ⑯Sodashi 3rd : ②Stars on Earth EXCELLENT!! Return : ¥100 × 128.3 = ¥…

【Prediction】Victoria Mile

As I already mentioned yesterday, we had a dinner party with all Japanese expats working in Germany. Since our company has 2 bases, Heidelberg and Arnstadt, we decided to hold this party in Frankfurt, which is located in the middle of the …

【Prediction】Aoba Sho

I heard a rumor that many Japanese people have one-week holiday called "Golden Week" from tomorrow, but I don't want to believe it. Instead, we will have "May Day" on Monday in Germany. During this 3-day holiday, I will go to Dresden. I wo…


Even though I was ill, I got up at 5am yesterday in order to play mahjong with my friends in Japan. I was glad to achieve "Big Three Dragons (大三元)", but I haven't recovered from the illness as you expect. Since I'm not fine enough to wr…


I would like to review my success on Saturday. I got used to write this kind of blog due to recent many wins. Result ダービー卿チャレンジトロフィー(GIII、中山、芝1600m) Betting ticket Total : ¥1,000 Result 1st : ⑧Industria 2nd : ④Justin …


Hello everyone! I guess you are waiting for the release of my prediction. Are you ready to bet in the same way as me? Prediction ダービー卿チャレンジトロフィー(GIII、中山、芝1600m) Betting ticket Prediction ダービー卿チャレンジトロフィー…


I finally found the easiest way to make money. It's horse racing! Result 高松宮記念(GI、中京、芝1200m) Betting ticket Total : ¥2,000 Result 1st : ⑬First Force 2nd : ⑮Namura Clair 3rd : ①Travesura EXCELLENT!! Return : ¥300 × 65.2 = ¥19,…


Today, I finally made new glasses. As I already mentioned last week, my main motivation is to take the advantage of my insurance service. I don't have any complaints about my current glasses, but I thought I wanted to get money if I can. E…


I heard cherry blossoms started blooming in Japan. On the other hand, my talent has bloomed certainly today in Germany. Result 阪神大賞典(GII、阪神、芝3000m) Betting ticket Total : ¥1,000 Result 1st : ③Justin Palace 2nd : ①Boldog Hos 3rd…


I have one my rule, where I can eat ramen late at night whenever I drink alchole. In accordance with this rule, I ate instant ramen at 11PM today after enjoying drinking with my colleagues. I'm not sure why, but this action reminded me of …


I asked yesterday, "Does someone know how to make money in horse racing instead of wasting money?" The answer is clear now: "I already knew it." Result 金鯱賞(GII、中京、芝2000m) Betting ticket Result Result 金鯱賞(GII、中京、芝2000m) …


Does someone know how to make money in horse racing instead of wasting money? Prediction 金鯱賞(GII、中京、芝2000m) Betting ticket フィリーズレビュー(GII、阪神、芝1400m) Betting ticket Prediction 金鯱賞(GII、中京、芝2000m) My favorit…


I'm feeling that the stream of my luck is changing in a good direction. Review アルゼンチン共和国杯(GII、東京、芝2500m) Betting ticket Result Review アルゼンチン共和国杯(GII、東京、芝2500m) Betting ticket Total : ¥1,000 Result 1st : ⑦…


If I lose today, my annual total balance would reach -70,000 yen. I'm feeling like I can't win any more this year as long as I continue this crazy way to bet. Life in Germany Travel in Spain (Day3 ~ Day4) Montserrat Sagrada Família Flamenc…


A few month ago, I declared that I would write a review blog when my betting is correct and I can get money. I can finally fulfill this promise this time. Review 札幌記念(GII、札幌、芝2000m) Betting ticket Result Review 札幌記念(GII、札…


I have just come back to Germany from the U.K. We visited many sightseeing spots and I enjoyed all of them. I have a lot of things I want to write about, but I'm tired now and I need to get up early tomorrow for Mahjong. Please let me writ…


Today's blog is brief because I'm traveling. The detail of this travel will be mentioned next week. Prediction 葵ステークス(GIII、中京、芝1200m) My favorite : ⑦Win Marvel (1st favorite) Betting ticket Total : ¥1,000 Total in 2022 : ¥-3…


I don't want to hear that Japanese people enjoy Golden week. I hope GW suddenly disappears. Life in Germany Football Prediction 青葉賞(GII、東京、芝2400m) Betting ticket Life in Germany Football I'm struggling with my sore muscle now. Th…


I have come back to Heidelberg just now (1am). Today's blog is also brief like yesterday because I'm so tired and don't have energy enough to write a detailed blog. Life in Germany Travel in Potsdam Prediction 皐月賞(GI、中山、芝2000m) B…


My betting ticket hit yesterday and the total exceeded 100% temporarily. I was glad because I couldn't achieve it even once last year. I would like to keep this situation. Life in Germany Prediction フェアリーステークス(GIII、中山、芝1600…


I came back to Germany yesterday. That is why the language in this blog changed to English again. I want to improve my English through this attempt as last year. I'm nervous because my work will start tomorrow. Life in Japan Prediction シ…


The monthly mahjong match with blog members will be held tomorrow. It will start at 0pm in Japan, which is 4am in Germany. (Summer time has already finished.) It is absolutely impossible to get up at 4am in Sunday. That is why I plan to ta…


I don't want to look at this graph. I have never hit my ticket for about 2 months. I have to win ¥10,000 per month from now in order to make my collection rate more than 100%. Life in Germany Trip in Paris - horse racing - Prediction 京都…


I got the 2nd vaccine made by BioNTech (Pfizer) yesterday. I was warried about having a fever, but the highest temperature that I experienced was 36.8 degrees. Although this was higher than usual, I didn't suffer as much as expected. On th…


If my betting tickets don't hit today, the expense will reach ¥20,000. It's difficult to anticipate a race result in summer because most of the races are handicap ones. I would like to overcome this difficulty. Life in Germany Bad cycling…


I was able to reserve a vaccine made by BioNTech (Pfizer) next Friday. I'm worried about having a fever after the vaccination. When the vaccination is completed, I will brag about it to my Japanese friends. Life in Germany My apartment Pre…